Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Playing Catch-up Already

It's pretty pathetic that I only got 2 posts in before I abandoned this blog. It's been 2.5 months since I updated, and what an amazing 2.5 month's it's been! I believe the last time I wrote that my family was going to come visit Ryan and I in South Florida. Well they came down the first weekend in August and it was great. They got to see our apartment, visit the new city that we now call home, and even went to my Target to see my office and the place I spend the majority of my time!

While my parents were here, Ryan's plan was to ask their permission to take my hand in marriage! The topic actually came up at my Target and obviously my parents said yes and are excited to have Ryan be a part of our family. I actually knew before hand that Ryan was planning on asking them while they were visiting. I know -- it's weird that we discussed those things, but Ryan and I actually bought the ring together back in July and I was just so anxious for him to ask me that I helped him arrange getting my parents permission!

He finally popped the question on the morning of August 28th. We were out with friends the night before at the Casino and I went home early since I had to work at 7am the next morning. Ryan stayed out with our friends and came home around midnight and immediately started setting up his plan for the morning. I woke up at 6am to Ryan standing at the edge of our bed with a rose in his hand as he said "Come out here, I have something to show you." Immediately I knew what was happening and I began balling my eyes out! I walked into the living room down a path of red glass rocks, roses, and candles. At the end of the path were the words MARRY ME written with roses. He got on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him! (I mumbled a 'yes' in between the sniffles and tears). The best part of it all was that he got it on video! I can't thank him enough for capturing that special moment on video to share with our kids one day :) He knows me so well to know that was something I would love and I will cherish it for the rest of my life!

Of course I starting planning the wedding right away! I began googling for venues until I was cross-eyed! Thank goodness that all my hours spent on the computer finally paid off and I found the venue of my dreams within our budget. My mom and I visited it a month ago and we absolutely love it. We're currently just going over the details and costs with them until we officially book it (which will be August 6, 2011).

Ryan's mom was sweet enough to throw us an engagement party last weekend (10/17/10) at her house in Tampa. It turned out absolutely fabulous! The turnout was great (about 40 people!) and everyone had a great time! His mom is such a good host! We even got a surprise appearance by my family who drove all the way from Cocoa Beach to be there with us to celebrate. I will never forget it! This is the picture of the cupcakes that his mom and I made together the day of the party. They turned out so good and were pretty tasty too :) It matched our theme for the wedding which is Pink, Black & White.

Well I think that pretty much gets me caught up on life for now :) The holidays are coming up around the corner, which means a crazy 4th quarter for retail, and my parents will be moving into their new house soon -- can't wait!!

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