Friday, October 19, 2012

Alyssa's Bridal Shower

On September 28, I hosted a Bridal Shower for my friend, Alyssa.  She wanted to have a shower down in South Florida so Doug, her fiance's, family and her work friends could attend.  I've never hosted a party at our new house before, but was super excited to throw my first one!  Ryan and I just got our poker table dining top in, so it was perfect timing to use for the party.

Her wedding colors are Tiffany Blue, charcoal and white.  The first thing I did, of course, was go to Pinterest for ideas!  I found a post on how to make the tissue paper balls that you can hang from the ceiling and those were my starting inspiration pieces.  Thanks to my mom, who's a wonderful hostess, she let me borrow quite a bit of the tableware.  Together with some old pieces from my wedding, borrowed pieces from mom, and some of my own new ideas, I was able to put everything together and it all turned out beyond my wildest dreams!  I was so excited for Alyssa to see how it all turned out, and to see her reaction made it worth all the hard work! :)

The best part of the shower had to be the surprise game I had for Alyssa.  Without Alyssa knowing, I went to her house a week before the shower and met up with her Fiance to ask him a few questions.  I videotaped his answers and put together "The Newlywed Game".  I saved this game for last and I told Alyssa I had one last game, but this one was just for her.  I started to read aloud the first question which was "Tell us about where you and Doug met.  When and where was it?"  Alyssa told the story in front of her guests with a big smile on her face, and as soon as she was done I said "Now let's see what Doug had to say...."  I immediately pressed "play" on the DVD player and Doug's face appeared on the TV with him beginning to describe the day he and Alyssa met.  Alyssa's reaction was PRICELESS!!  The guests and Alyssa could barely contain themselves - it was the greatest!

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