Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Next HGTV stars?

So I've been watching a lot of HGTV lately and decided I'd browse the website to see what kinds of shows I could apply for. And boom - the second one down was specifically for South Florida Residents. Here is what they were looking for and below is my submission. Cross your fingers and toes!

If you own a home in the South Florida area, this is your chance to receive a home project makeover in just one weekend! We are searching for homeowners who've wanted to tackle a project for a while, yet find the thought of it to be entirely overwhelming for just the two of them. Our host will show you that it isn't too hard to create the room of your dreams in just one weekend.
The couple should be handy, since they'll be working alongside the host. The projects can range from bathrooms to backyards, mud rooms to porches and kitchens to closets and more! The home should have either an empty garage, backyard or driveway to act as a workspace. All applicants must live no more than 90 minutes from Miami.

Hello, my name is Lindsay and my husband and I are entering the HGTV project makeover for South Florida. Below is the application information. Please contact us if you need us to provide any additional pictures or information!
Lindsay and Ryan Dean
809 NW 126th ave
Coral Springs, FL 33071
* Detailed photos of the space from top to bottom and square footage of the space and house
The room is 11'5" x 9'9" for 111.31 square feet. The total house is just under 2000 square feet.
* What is your favorite design style?
I like modern, bright, simplistic styles with 2-3 colors. Bold wall colors and patterns interest me, as well as interesting accent furniture pieces or wall art with a possible antique yet modern spin. I also find faux wall finishes neat and illusion type designs that draw your eye.
* A detailed description of who you are and why you feel you need this home makeover
We are newlyweds, married this August, and moved to South Florida in April of last year for work. We are 25 years old, graduated from the University of Florida in 2009, and loving the new home we purchasef early this year. Ryan is a Sales Engineer who's office is out of our home, but travels the state visiting waste water treatment plants weekly. I am an Assistant Store Manager at a SuperTarget working the wonderful schedule of retail! We enjoy playing tennis together and visiting our friends and family all around the state. Ryan's second love (after me, of course) is Texas Hold 'Em. We even have our own custom poker table instead of a dining room table that I let him beat me on every now and then. While he's busy making some extra cash at cards, I love working upstairs in my office doing scrapbooking, invitation making, or anything crafty for that matter! It's a passion I've had since I was a little girl and I have a scrapbook for just about every trip we've taken, and have recently done all the stationary for a few friends' weddings (including our own!). It's been a dream of mine to someday start my own business doing this, but as you can see by the pictures, my workspace isn't exactly the most effective use of space to even try to make that happen. I need better storage and organization in this room, because I've caught myself buying supplies I already own because I didn't realize I already had them! I want this to be my escape room for when the effects of retail have worn on me a little too much. I want my friends and family to like my scrapbook room just as much as they like the scrapbooks themselves because I'm embarrassed to even leave the door open when I have company as it is. My husband is all for this because he know's it's something I've wanted and will make me very happy, and as he says - "A happy wife, makes a happy life!".
* What's been holding you back from tackling this project and how will your life be so much better once it's completed?
Busy is an understatement for both of us. We're new in our careers and putting in over 50 hours a each week. By the time we get home all we want to do is relax. Owning a new home has been quite a handful and we've had many other projects that have taken priority over this one. And I can't forget to mention I spent the last year planning our wedding by myself. Besides not having two spare minutes between us, we just honestly don't even know where to begin with this room. I consider myself pretty creative when it comes to decorating ideas, but this one just stumps me. The room has what we call "secret" room attached to the closet and we want to somehow incorporate it as part of the room, but can't figure out how. When it comes to finding decorative ways to maintain lots of storage and a semblance of organization, we are at a standstill.
Our home will finally be complete if we could just get this project tackled. It's the last room in the house that needs a makeover and we will finally be able to enjoy our new home even more once it's done. Ryan knows how OCD I am when it comes to being clean and organized so I'm sure he'll be happy when my anxiety levels come down once this room is complete. On top of it, I may actually be able to live out my dreams of owning my own stationary business one day - which will only make me that much more busy right? But like they say "if you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life!".
* A photo of you and the front of the house, the garage/driveway/yard which will act as a workspace
The front of our house:Ryan in front of the house:

The driveway/yard area:

Us at our wedding:

* Do you have children? Pets?
No children or pets at the moment, but plan on getting a puppy in the next few months to start our little family.

Lindsay and Ryan Dean

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