Monday, August 20, 2012

Canvas Picture Tutorial

My little sister moved to Gainesville this past weekend for college and I wanted to make her a couple of pictures that she could hang in her new apartment bedroom.  Not sure where I came up with this idea but I just went to Joann and started buying supplies!  I took pictures while I put them together so I could share :)  Enjoy my canvas picture tutorial!

Two 16x20 Canvas'
1 yard Background fabric
1/2 yard Border fabric
Decorative trim
Needle & thread
Decorative Straight pins
Cardstock paper
Small nails

I started with two plain canvas' that are 16x20 in size.  They were on sale for $7.49 each.

I searched through all the fabric for anything gray and yellow and found some floral print fabric for $10.99 a yard.  I bought 1 yard.  I cut a square around each canvas, leaving about 3 inches on each side.  I placed the canvas face down on the back side of the fabric so I could wrap the fabric around the edges and nail it down.

I used a hammer and some small 1" nails and nailed the fabric to the wood edge of the canvas.  I nailed them at an angle so they didn't poke out through the front but I suppose shorter nails would have worked better.  That just happened to be what I found in the house :)

When it got to the edges I put one nail about 1-1.5" from EACH side and then folder the fabric over tightly and put a third nail in to secure the extra fabric.

Then I used a 1/2 yard of plain gray fabric that was around $7/yard.  I cut a square for each canvas that was about 10.5"x12.5" and laid it evenly in the middle.

I didn't do anything to attach the gray fabric to the fabric on the canvas.  What I did was took the gold decorative trim and placed it on the edge of the gray fabric to cover the edge where it met the floral fabric.  Then I took needle and thread and unprofessionally wove it through the trim, attaching the trim to the gray fabric to the floral fabric.  Just an FYI I've never sewn before so this was nothing fancy!  I used yellow thread that matched the trim so you couldn't tell how awful my sewing was.

Once all the trim was sewn on, all I did was attach an 8"x10" piece of black cardstock centered in the middle with straight pins at the corners.  These straight pins already had a pearl attached to the end which added a nice touch.  From there I just centered a black and white photo I printed from my computer and taped it to the black cardstock.

This is the finished product!

And this is the finished finished product!

And here's how they looks in hew new college apartment!

Yay! What do you think?  Let me know if you have any questions about my tutorial :)


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