Saturday, August 11, 2012

Year Old Cake

This past Monday was our 1 year wedding anniversary and we, of course, executed the tradition of saving the top layer of your wedding cake to eat on your first anniversary.  I was so excited and had been waiting for this for a long time since I didn't remember AT ALL what our wedding cake tasted like.  The wedding was such an overwhelming whirlwind that unfortunately I didn't remember the cake ceremony, except for there being lots of eyes on us and cameras in our face.

So needless to say I did it up, complete with our engraved cake knife and server, champagne glasses, and even put the cake topper back in the cake.

I made the first cut and Ryan made the second.  It was pretty difficult to do everything at the same time and still be able to get the pictures that I wanted :(

Had to get a picture of our rings while we cut the cake :)

The first slice!

Him feeding me.  Except this time I wasn't as worried about him rubbing it on my face at the wedding.  To be honest, that's actually one of the things I remember best.  Yelling at Ryan to NOT smash it in my face, even though that's what we had agreed to before the wedding.  But for whatever reason, when that moment came, I was NOT going to mess up my makeup on my wedding day for crying out loud! haha

His bite!  After his bite he proceeded to say "you know they sell pound cake at Publix right?"  Boy was I upset and responded with "This is NOT pound cake!! It's amaretto cake from an Amazing bakery and it cost a lot of money!" haha.  MEN!!!

I poured red gatorade into my champagne glass, and he, orange juice.  It was a work night ok! :)  We made a toast after our first bite of cake.

And of course I had some more delicious!! Even after a year in the freezer! :)

All done! *** Cheers to many more years with my amazing husband ***

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